Updated - February 16, 2025 - Copyright - Ralph Gibson - 2014

This Is Who We Are

Welcome to the home page for my Gibson's Jewelry hobby site.  I created this

web site several years ago to display some of the jewelry pieces that I’ve

designed.  And over time it’s become pretty much a hobby show and tell site. 

I’ve also recently set up an on-line store at gibsonsjewelry.bigcartel.com in

order to offer some of my hobby items for sale.

I’m a retired hardware design engineer living in the San Francisco bay area.  I

design and finish jewelry and lathe turned pens as a hobby.  Most of the pieces

I’ve designed are for my wife, or as gifts for her close friends.  I’ve only designed a wedding band and

Reaper pendant for myself.

I create the jewelry pieces using the Lost Wax casting process.  I carve and form the original designs

out of either acrylic or jewelry carving wax.  Most recently I’ve started using my small CNC mill to

rough out the designs.  I then make an RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanizing) mold of the original wax

so that multiple wax copies can be produced. These wax copies are sent to AU Enterprises in Troy,

Michigan, to be cast in either Sterling Silver or 14 Karat Yellow Gold.

For casting, high temperature molds are built around the wax items to be cast.  During the mold

preparation process, the wax is completely burned out of the mold at a very high temperature. High

enough so that the carbon formed from the burned out wax is completely eliminated. This is important

because the mold must be very clean for the molten metal to produce clean results.

The cast jewelry pieces are then returned for me to finish. I file, sand, and polish as needed to produce

the final piece. In some, faceted gemstones, gem beads, or Pearls are included to produce the final

jewelry item.

Images of some of the pieces that I’ve created can be found in the Gallery, and here I’ve included a

few thumbnail images of the items I’ve created in the past.

Thanks for dropping by and have a great day.

Website Disclaimer : Updated August 21, 2022

Please note that this website and any material presented here, are intended for informational purposes

only. Gibson’s Jewelry takes no responsibility for how the material presented is used.  User’s are solely

responsible for their own safety, and how they use the information presented on this website.  The

information is presented “as is”, and may be modified, updated, or removed from the site at any time,

without notice.

Please respect my copyright on the jewelry items.  For everything else, feel free to use the information

provided for your own personal or commercial projects and applications.

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